


People often overuse and overthink clichés and sayings. Although they hold some collective wisdom but it’s hard sometime to trust or even understand these sayings. Especially knowing the fact that they could possess something of pure fiction with little to no value. However, sometimes your experience makes you see the underlying truth and reality behind it.

Consider the saying that we all long for love, and it’s this very yearning that fuels the creativity of our world. Some of us don’t need complex reasoning to understand this. But for those who haven’t yet felt it, the quest to find it in various forms becomes paramount. Our drive to find love thrives on the uncertainty of not being guaranteed to discover it. Sometimes, it’s a journey you actively pursue; other times, it arrives unexpectedly, just when you least expect it. And remains within the magic of unexpected love, where enchantment coexists with uncertainty.

In the theater of our lives, we seek control as the director of our stories. We meticulously script our actions, choreograph our plans, and execute our strategies, gaining a sense of satisfaction from the illusion of predictability. Unpredictability is the harbinger of uncertainty, and our inclination to avoid that which seems out of control often leaves us apprehensive.

Yet, the allure of unexpected love lies in its paradox. Its concept is undeniably appealing, but the possibility of uncertainty it introduces is equally terrifying. When it finds you, it strikes like a bolt of lightning, shaking your very core. It’s a tempest that dismantles the very structures within you, leaving you both exhilarated and vulnerable. The initial chaos of unexpected love prompts a logical response—how could something that begins so turbulently possibly lead to a harmonious conclusion? For many, evading such a powerful force seems the rational choice.

Picture a scene from a classic love story, where two souls entwine amidst personal struggles. Like partners in a dance, their affection envelops them, creating an ideal vision of unity. Yet, each grapples with their inner turmoil. They believe that only once they conquer their individual challenges can they fully embrace and reflect love’s genuine essence. What they cannot realize is that the nature of unforeseen love is often untimely. Unbeknownst to them, they possess something to offer each other, an exchange concealed by the saying, “Sometimes the one thing you are looking for is the one thing you can’t see”, yet hope remains. 

The very yearning for love births an artistry of unparalleled beauty. While love may challenge us with its uncertainty, it also has the power to transform, to heal, and to surprise us in ways we could never have imagined. It is in embracing this unpredictability that we may find the most profound joy and fulfillment.


Ever pondered the motivations behind our daily actions? It’s like there’s a hidden conductor guiding the symphony of our choices, even if we’re not always privy to it. And that brings me to this very moment—the first post on this blog. You know the one, where I introduce myself and set the stage for what’s to come. So, let’s dive in.

Just like you, I’m a regular human being navigating life’s ebb and flow. We share the basics, yet it’s in the nuances that we each find our distinctiveness. It’s in the thoughts that shape our outlook, the experiences that color our days, and the little details we pick up on that we truly stand apart.

In my everyday gig, I’m a software engineer. Fancy term for someone who spends their days crafting solutions to those pesky tech dilemmas. The cool part about coding? It’s like a puzzle that makes you think, rethink, and then think some more until the optimal solution clicks into place.

But here’s the kicker: that methodical puzzle-solving mindset? It’s not just for programming. It’s a way of approaching life—a knack for finding the best path forward.

You see, that’s what humanity’s got in its back pocket: the power of thought and reason. It’s what sets us leagues apart from the rest of the animal kingdom. And the magic doesn’t stop there. Engaging in thought experiments, pondering, reflecting—it’s all part of the grand equation. The catch? Once thoughts slip away, recreating them verbatim becomes a slippery endeavor. That’s where writing comes in as the time-traveling scribe, capturing ideas before they fade into the abyss.

But writing isn’t just about preserving fleeting thoughts. It’s also a vessel for memories, a toolkit for unwrapping and presenting your ideas. It brings to mind a line from the esteemed poet Iqbal:

گفتگو کے اسلوب پر قابو نہیں رہتا

جب روح کے اندر متلاطم ہوں خیالات

And made such chaos in my soul of all its thoughts

I could not keep my tumbling words in bounds.

So, what’s the scoop with this blog, you ask? It’s a realm of musings, a collection of observations, and a treasure trove of tales from my jaunts to distant lands.

So here we are, embarking on this digital journey together—where thoughts flow, ideas take shape, and the chaos in my mind finds its way to these pages. Let’s explore the art of words and the adventure of expression.